Tuesday 15 May 2018

YSI Lactate Scout starter set

Lactate Scout starter set

This set consists of:
  • 10x surgilance
  • Lactic Acid Scout-fanny pack with belt 
  • Lactic Acid Scout Measurer 
  • Product information for the pen injector device, measurer, testing slips and checking liquid
  • 6 testing slips
  • Lactic Acid Scout - checking liquid
  • Spraybottle for clean water
  • 2 x 1.5V AAA/LR03-batteries
  • USB dongle
  • Cd rom
  • Easy and fast to use because of the scrolling-menu bar and the slips
  • Saving-capacity: 250 measurements 
  • With PC-Interface and software 
  • With a maximum deviation of 3-8%
  • Place a slip in the Lactic Acid Scout 
  • Clean the lobe of your ear or your finger tip
  • Place the Lactic Acid Scout with the slip in the blood drop. 
  • You only need a blood drop of 0,5 mmol, the measurement will start automatically
  • After 15 seconds, the result will appear on the screen and it will be saved
  • Different testing features are saved in the computer programme
  • Can be used in sports institutions, fitness centres and sports associations.  
  • Can be used by coaches, sport scientists and medical personnel 
  • During physiotherapy and rehabilitation 
  • During training of individuals as groups on all competition levels 
  • As a flexible and cheap tool as a replacement for a laboratory research
  • Approved as a medical device by the EU management IVD (CEO483)

SALIVA-CHECK MUTANS Monitor & Identify Streptococcus Mutans


Monitor & Identify Streptococcus Mutans

SALIVA-CHECK MUTANS tests for a very specific bacteria known as streptococcus mutans. Please note, there are many bacteria that play a role in caries (ex: Atopobium, Propionibacterium and Lactobacillus bacteria); it is also highly dependent upon geography and age groups. For example, root caries is caused by Actinomyces viscosus; so the SALIVA-CHECK MUTANS test would not give a positive result. For early childhood caries S. Mutansare not involved, S. Mutansare usually are only present in plaque found on early lesions, once the lesions cavitate other bacteria take over and S. Mutans counts drop. Why test your patients' Streptococcus mutans level? The Streptococcus mutans bacterial species plays a leading role in the initiation of dental caries. When used with other clinical information, salivary levels of this bacterium is useful for caries risk assessment in patients.

Saliva-Check BUFFER Test for Saliva Quality, pH & Buffering Capacity

Saliva-Check BUFFER

Test for Saliva Quality, pH & Buffering Capacity

Saliva-Check BUFFER is a saliva-testing examination tool that is used to educate patients, assist in preventive treatment planning and properly select dental materials in order to initiate changes in the patient’s oral hygiene. This product plays a significant role in maintaining oral health. It identifies, measures and assesses the patient’s saliva condition, which helps determine the body's possible risk of caries. It is also helpful for testing hydration, salivary consistency, resting saliva pH, stimulated saliva flow, stimulated saliva pH and saliva buffering capacity. The Saliva-Check BUFFER is ideal for use during routine oral examinations.